Coaching requires commitment, consistency and accountability. Having regularly scheduled sessions at the same time on the same day each week works well for most folks. Coaching sessions are time that you are devoting to your development, your evolution, your increasing self-awareness and comfort with life. Here's how it works: • Three meetings per month by phone or SKYPE • In person sessions by special arrangement • Sessions scheduled first three weeks of the month • 45-50 minutes per sessions • Short phone calls and emails in between sessions welcome • Call prep forms completely weekly before sessions $450 / month for three sessions $300 / month for two sessions $150 / individual sessions (tune up for established clients) Ask about sliding scale. Coaching can dramatically accelerate your progress in creating a life and work that honor who you truly are. Its success results from ever greater awareness that develops as you eliminate all that isn't really you from your life living breathing room for what is to emerge and be embraced. In some cases a client's life won't look much different on the surface to anyone else, yet they will experience the qualitative difference. Other clients will hardly recognize themselves and their lives after six months of coaching. In both cases, a tremendous amount of energy is freed up to devote to what you truly love – the key to long term happiness and career fulfillment. Coaching is a tax-deductible business expense. It may be available to you through your company’s or organization’s professional development or training budget. |